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Greenpeace Graphics

Here we have gathered together some common graphics and imagery used to represent Greenpeace and their campaigns.

We hope providing descriptions of these will prove useful . . .


The logo for Greenpeace's name is the word Greenpeace in light green written in a broad, rounded style as if with a thick marker pen.


Greenpeace activists often deploy banners as part of their big actions. These are almost always bright yellow with bold black capital lettering giving the campaign message and the Greenpeace logo in black at the bottom.

The one in this example photo says

'Stop drilling Start paying'.


A common logo for local groups is a light green circle or square with the Greenpeace logo in white across the middle and the name of the local group (the above example say Cambridge) in a thinner but similar style underneath.


The big plastic count mostly uses bright neon colours and while there are a variety of posters, they tend to be rearrangements/palette swaps of the same common imagery. This example one is a light blue square with 'We're Taking Part in the Big Plastic Count' in bold black letters at the top.

Underneath on a small black banner it says 'Take Part. Let's Investigate.' in bold yellow letters. The plastic count logo consisting of blue, yellow, pink and black bars in a wonky tower with 'The Big Plastic Count' written in black across the top three coloured banners and the dates of the count in orange on the black one, is in the bottom left corner. Basic cartoon imagery of plastic waste in the bright neon colours are piled up in the bottom right hand corner. 

© 2023 Cambridge Greenpeace - Website by Katie Keeble

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